Holiday Celebration Ideas for Couples to Strengthen Their Marriage – COOL MOMS
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Holiday Celebration Ideas for Couples to Strengthen Their Marriage

The “most wonderful time” of the year can easily become “the most stressful time of year”. To plan the holidays, there are many things to do. Finances and extended family issues are often discussed. It can be exhausting to run from one activity to another as we strive to make Christmas “magical”.

We miss celebrating our marriages with our spouses during the holidays. In the midst of all the tinsel, wrapping paper and confetti we can forget about each other. The busyness of Christmas can leave little time for relaxation. Themes of love, peace, hope and joy are the perfect way to celebrate Christmas with your spouse.

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Christmas marks an annual time of reflection on the past. It can be a time of disappointment and grief. It is also a time when we need hope the most.

Individually and as a whole family, choose to be hopeful. Discuss your hopes for the upcoming year. Confess areas in which you are feeling negative and could use some hope. Use this holiday season to encourage one another.


As you rush around at Christmas, don’t forget to show your love in the manner that she or he appreciates the most. Love can take many forms. Love can come in many forms. It can be expressed through words, touch or action. A kind tone and word will always convey love.

Give your spouse a full half-hour of your attention. Tell them that you value their ability to handle details, or the gift they choose for you. This will help them to appreciate all the little things and avoid getting lost in the Christmas rush.


It can be difficult to feel joy during the holidays, which can cause extra stress. You can feel tension during the holiday season, from financial stress to tension about where you spend your time and what gifts to buy. As a couple, remember to be thankful for everything. Focus on your blessings rather than what you would like to see in the future.


As you navigate the chaos of Christmas, peace can seem elusive. Remember that this is a time to enjoy with family and friends. The holidays are not just about wrapping up gifts and making them look pretty.

You will find more peace and harmony in your marriage if you extend grace more readily.

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