Coping Strategies for Parents Dealing with Depression – COOL MOMS
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Coping Strategies for Parents Dealing with Depression

You know what it’s like to be physically and mentally exhausted by depression. Some days you may not want to do anything, including get up, shower, eat or go to work. Even if you try to see the positive side of things, it doesn’t take long for you to feel hopeless, depressed, or worthless. This daily struggle can be hard for anyone, but it’s even harder when you are responsible for others’ happiness and wellbeing.

Parent Depression - Coping Strategies for Parents Dealing with Depression

How to cope with parent depression

When you stay in bed, your kids will not eat or go to school. They won’t be able to have the normal interaction with their parents. You can cause your children to be depressed when you are feeling low. You may feel guilty, reject or abandon your children if you are isolated and have lost interest in the things you used to enjoy.

This is not what any parent would want for their child. When you are struggling with a complex mental illness like depression, it’s possible that this will happen. The only way you and your family can get through this difficult time is by creating a plan.

Speak to Your Children

Even though it may not be what you intended, keeping your child in the dark about your illness can cause more harm than good. Children are highly intuitive and can easily pick up on changes in behavior and emotions. They tend to blame themselves when mom or dad feels or acts in a certain way.

It is important to have a conversation with your kids that is age-appropriate. This will prevent them from feeling inferior or incapable of cheering you up. Let your children know about the mental illness you are suffering from based on their understanding. You can tell them your symptoms and why you feel or behave the way you do. Mention that this has nothing to do them. Be willing to answer their questions.

Seek Treatment

Mental illness affects the entire family, whether you realize it or not. Everyone in your family is affected, from your spouse to children. It can negatively impact your family the longer you leave it untreated. The best thing you can as a parent do is to seek treatment for depression. The sooner you start the recovery process from depression, whether that is by visiting a therapist several times a week or joining a support group for depression, taking antidepressants prescribed by your doctor, TMS near Los Angeles.

Do not beat yourself up

Parental guilt is real. When you have a mental illness, this guilt can increase. You feel guilty that you are not the strong influence in your child’s life. It’s normal to feel like this, but focusing on the negative only increases your depression. It is important to not beat yourself up, no matter how hard it may be. Learn about depression and its effects on your life. This knowledge can be helpful on days when it seems impossible to get out of bed. You will begin to realize that your symptoms are not the cause of your problem.

Enjoy the Good Times

You may be aware that depression can have good and bad days. When you’re feeling good, make the most of those days. Spend time with your children, keep up your routines, take care of yourself, do things you like, eat healthy, and exercise. All of these things can help you balance your emotions, and stay in a positive mood longer. This can be just the thing your children need to boost their self-esteem and feel hopeful about the future.

You can rely on Your Village

There are many people who can support you in your battle against depression. From your spouse, family and friends to teachers and religious leaders. Do not be ashamed to ask for help when you need it. Ask for help when you’re struggling to cope. It gives you peace of mind knowing your children are well cared for, it gives them the stability they require, and it can boost the spirits of others around you who may be able to help you during difficult times.

It’s hard enough to deal with depression. It can be unbearable to have your happiness and wellbeing of your child’s at stake. It is possible to parent while depressed. You and your kids will be able to get through this difficult time much more easily if you take the necessary steps to improve your mental health and become a healthy and happy parent.

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